Teaching puppies about hygiene habits and cleaning up the place afterward is often stressful for many owners. It has probably happened before that you encounter a puddle or pile of feces in an unwanted place. You probably just cleaned it up and behaved as if nothing had happened. The truth is, your puppy needs to learn where to relieve themselves accordingly.
Responsible and conscientious owners can and should start teaching their puppy hygienic habits as soon as they get it. To many, it may sound strange, but that’s really how it is. The earlier your puppy starts to learn, the faster he/she will get used to it. However, the puppy should not be separated from the mother at least until the 8th week of life. During this time, it will learn many things, as well as the basics of hygiene. If you have the opportunity to raise your dog from a young age, you already have a certain advantage – so if you stick to a few simple rules, the little one will quickly understand what is expected from him/her. Before we tell you how to properly potty train your puppy, let’s take a look at some of the benefits training pads provide.
The training pads will very likely remain a part of the equipment, as they have proven to be very practical, especially for the owners of small breeds, who cannot take out the dog several times a day. However, keep in mind that you should teach your dog to go outside when he’s grown big enough. Let walks become routine and leave the pads for exceptional occasions. Your dog will be grateful to you.[tcb-script async=”” src=”//z-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/onejs?MarketPlace=US&adInstanceId=8cc4d7cf-7301-4d5f-b6cc-906beb62a142″][/tcb-script]
Table of Contents
Puppy training pads are great for owners who are trying to get their puppies to learn not to potty wherever they want in the house. They are absolutely a must-have for owners who live in big apartment complexes. When you potty train using a pad, you can keep your pet in a safe space until they are able to get all of their vaccines. That way they will stay healthy. The pads are also good for senior dogs who can’t hold it for a full day anymore as often, so placing the pad will spare you the trouble.
If you want your puppy to learn to do it on grass or soil, it is best for them to do it right away and enable them to get used to it. Some may want their dog to later have the ability to go potty on the grass too. If that’s the case you should give the puppy a chance to choose both options by putting both the training pad and the grassy or earthen substrate next to each other. Just a quick reminder before we start: Training pads and similar surfaces should not be a substitute for walking.
Step-by-Step guide
Step 1: Choose an adequate spot
Designate a spot where you want your puppy’s potty spot to be. Choose an area in your home where you can easily keep an eye on your puppy. After that, make sure the area is confined. We don’t need to tell you to avoid carpets as much as possible. It may be the best if you chose a place that can serve as a long-term spot for the training pads since moving it around is ill-advised and could interfere with the training.
Step 2: Show your puppy where to go
As puppies are growing and their motor skills are developing, the owner should guide them to their potty place as often as possible and encourage them with rewards. Also, the smell will attract your puppy and make him/her go to that place more often, but nevertheless they still need to be directed. If you notice that the puppy has gone potty elsewhere, stop it and take it to the training pad. If you are consistent, the puppies will quickly learn where the to go potty.
Step 3: Reward your puppy
You should encourage and reward your dog for peeing in the right place. As soon as the puppy gets it done at the right location, say “pee-pee”, “pee” or “ca-ca”, “poo-poo” (or any word you like) and reward it with a delicious delight and cuddle. Puppies will associate the chosen word with the act (potty) and the consequence (reward), and this word will soon become the signal that you will eventually use as an incentive.
Step 4: Stick to a schedule
Most dogs eat twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Give them the food, wait 15 minutes, and regardless of how much or little he ate, take it to the spot (say the magic word). Good times to take your puppy to the training pad are after eating, after waking up, after playing, every two hours. You could even set a timer to go off every two hours. When it goes off, walk your puppy over to the pad and see what happens. It can be stressful and patience is definitely required, but sacrifices have to be made. The idea of a potty schedule is to make accidents less of an issue.
Step 5: Practice makes Perfect
Keep doing it until your puppy is confident enough to do it without your help. The more you repeat the steps and reward positive behavior, the more likely you’ll have a potty-trained dog.
Getting a puppy accustomed to using training pad is a process and it is very hard to predict how long it can last. It varies from one dog to another. During this training period, its important to be patient, keep your cool, and be consistent with the training. The patience is the key. Keep cleaning up the mess until the puppy is mature enough to understand what you ask of it. Of course, no miracle is to be expected, but we are on the good path to learning hygiene habits later on going faster and easier. By staying positive and following these guidelines, potty training can be a simple process.
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